Legislative Update from the AAP-CA State Government Affairs Committee

The political composition of the California Legislature remains largely unchanged, with Democrats maintaining a supermajority. However, term limits have resulted in the election of 12 new State Senators (out of 40) and 23 new Assembly members (out of 80). Notably, Governor Gavin Newsom declared a special session to “Trump-proof California,” which focused on immigration policies, reproductive rights, LGBTQ+ protections, and other issues aligned with California values.

Key issues expected to dominate this legislative cycle include affordability challenges in housing, food, gas, and energy. Given that this is the first year of the cycle, a high volume of bills is anticipated, including many “spot bills” that serve as placeholders for developing policies. Legislators have agreed to limit their bill introductions to 35 each over the two-year session, meaning an estimated 4,000 bills could be introduced in total.

A few legislative seats flipped from Democrat to Republican in both the State Legislature and Congress. Special sessions, typically issue-specific, are not expected to generate bills requiring AAP-CA review before the February 21 deadline. However, legislators and child advocacy organizations frequently consult AAP-CA for input and support on relevant bills.

Physician Representation in the Legislature
There are currently three physicians serving in the California Legislature:

  • Dr. Akila Weber (OB/GYN) – Recently elected to the State Senate and a potential candidate for Chair of the Senate Health Committee.
  • Dr. Joaquin Arambula (ER) – Continues to serve in the State Assembly.
  • Dr. Jasmeet Bains (Family Medicine) – Also remains in the Assembly.
Legislative Bill Statistics from 2024
  • 910 bills reached the Governor’s desk
  • 807 signed into law
  • 103 vetoed
AAP-CA Positions on 50 Bills
  • 30 reached the Governor’s desk
  • 20 signed into law
  • 10 vetoed

Proposition 35 passed with nearly 70% votes in favor. This measure permanently extends the Managed Care Organization (MCO) tax assessment for Medi-Cal, generating an estimated $6–9 billion in funding. AAP-CA played a vital role in supporting its passage alongside CMA, CHA, Planned Parenthood, and other healthcare organizations. The funds will be allocated by Health & Human Services, with oversight from CMA and affected medical specialties to ensure distribution to physicians in key areas like primary care, labor and delivery, and mental health services.

For a complete list of the AAP-CA tracked bills in 2024 that made it to the Governor’s list, please visit the AAP-CA website Advocacy page here and click on the Session 2023-2024 List of Bills button.

AAP-CA will continue to track and advocate for pediatric health policies throughout the new legislative cycle. Stay engaged and proactive in supporting initiatives that benefit California’s children and families.  Follow the process of AAP-CA legislative bill track at the link listed above. New bills are under review and will be posted at this same link in late February. Follow the Session 2025-2026 active list of bills in real time by clicking on the button.

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